1. Mori, N., K. Gotou, K. Matsumoto, A. Musa, K. Iida, J. Ninomiya, T. Shimura (2024) Effects of Ocean Wave on the Coupled Atmosphere-ocean System for Tropical Cyclones, AOGS2024, Korea
  2. Chang, C.W., Y.L. Tsai, N. Mori (2024) An integrated laboratory and numerical investigation, OMAE2024, Singapore.
  3. Chabchoub, A., Y. He, I. Karmpadakis, A. Alberello, A.V. Concejo, A. Babanin, A. Slunyaev, N. Mori (2024) Extreme events in wave reflecting environments, ICTAM 2024 (25-30 August 2024, Daegu, Republic of Korea).
  4. Iida, K., N. Mori (2024) Impacts of PBL Schemes Combined with Coupled Ocean and Wave on Typhoons, GEWEX, Sapporo, Japan.
  5. Fujiwara, K., T. Takemi, N. Mori (2024) Impact of Historical and Future Warming on Heavy Rainfall Over Eastern Japan Induced by Typhoon Hagibis (2019) in Dynamical Downscaling Simulations, GEWEX, Sapporo, Japan.


  1. Yang, J.A, N.Mori (2023) Characteristics of components constituting extreme sea level along the Korean peninsula in the past, AGU fall meeting
  2. He, Y., T. Kanehira, N. Mori, M. Gamaleldin, A. Babanin, K. Chauhan, A. Chabchoub (2023) Nonlinear and Extreme Wave Group Interactions With a Circular Cylinder, OMAE2023, ASME, OMAE2023-104739.
  3. Ho, T.C,, M. Yamada, N. Mori (2023) Tsunami in the Japan Sea and Caribbean Sea Following the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, JpGU
  4. Kawase, H. et al. (2023) Identifying future changes of extreme precipitation in Japan using 720-year 5-km-grid regional climate experiments, CORDEX
  5. Lau, A.Y. E. Max, R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, N. Mori, M. Berke, G. Guannel (2023) Progress and opportunities in ISROC: A Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Rome, Italy.
  6. Mori, N., T. Sayama, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, T. Fujimi (2023) Climate change impact assessments of natural hazards based on large-ensemble projections, WCRP Open Science Conference, Rwanda.
  7. Nishino, T., T. Miyashita, N. Mori (2023) Regional probabilistic fi re following earthquake risk modeling including tsunami fi res, World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Italy [#y1fe895a]
  8. Odériz, I., I. Losada, R. Silva, N. Mori (2023) Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU2023.
  9. Mitarai, S., A. Murata, N. Kosaka, N. Endou, T. Kura, M. Hisada, K. Iida, T. Shimura and N.Mori (2023) Wave glider and spotter observations of oceanic responses to Typhoon Khanun, AGU Fall Meeting.


  1. Yang, J.A, N.Mori (2023) Characteristics of components constituting extreme sea level along the Korean peninsula in the past, AGU fall meeting
  2. He, Y., T. Kanehira, N. Mori, M. Gamaleldin, A. Babanin, K. Chauhan, A. Chabchoub (2023) Nonlinear and Extreme Wave Group Interactions With a Circular Cylinder, OMAE2023, ASME, OMAE2023-104739.
  3. Ho, T.C,, M. Yamada, N. Mori (2023) Tsunami in the Japan Sea and Caribbean Sea Following the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, JpGU
  4. Kawase, H. et al. (2023) Identifying future changes of extreme precipitation in Japan using 720-year 5-km-grid regional climate experiments, CORDEX
  5. Lau, A.Y. E. Max, R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, N. Mori, M. Berke, G. Guannel (2023) Progress and opportunities in ISROC: A Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Rome, Italy.
  6. Mori, N., T. Sayama, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, T. Fujimi (2023) Climate change impact assessments of natural hazards based on large-ensemble projections, WCRP Open Science Conference, Rwanda.
  7. Nishino, T., T. Miyashita, N. Mori (2023) Regional probabilistic fi re following earthquake risk modeling including tsunami fi res, World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Italy [#y1fe895a]
  8. Odériz, I., I. Losada, R. Silva, N. Mori (2023) Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU2023.
  9. Mitarai, S., A. Murata, N. Kosaka, N. Endou, T. Kura, M. Hisada, K. Iida, T. Shimura and N.Mori (2023) Wave glider and spotter observations of oceanic responses to Typhoon Khanun, AGU Fall Meeting.


  • Lau, A.Y. E. Max, R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, N. Mori, M. Berke, G. Guannel (2023) Progress and opportunities in ISROC: A Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Rome, Italy.
  • Odériz, I., I. Losada, R. Silva, N. Mori (2023) Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU2023.
  • Hibino, K., H. Kawase, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Imada, T. Takemi, N. Mori, S. Kanada, T. Sayama, I. Takayabu (2022) The new experimental framework with multi-model and multi-initial-condition for the assessment of extreme weather event in the future: The case of typhoon Hagibis (2019), AGU Fall meeting
  • Ho, T.C, M. Yamada, N. Mori (2022) Wave amplification and generation of air pressure induced tsunami after the 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption, AGU Fall meeting.
  • Shimura, T., N. Mori, T. Miyashita (2022) Ocean Surface Wind Estimation by Waves Based on Small Buoy Observation in Bay and Open Ocean, AOGS2022
  • Jo, J., S.Y. KIM, N. Mori, G. Tsujimoto, H. Mase (2022) Numerical Study on Effects of Storm Surge, High Wave and Tide on Coastal Inundation, AOGS2022
  • Ito, S., T. Shimura, T. Miyashita N. Mori (2022) Long-term Analysis of Extreme Storm Surge Based on HighResMIP Projections, AOGS2022
  • Toyoda., M., N. Mori, S.Y. Kim, Y. Shibutani (2022) Hindcast Experiments on River Run-up of Storm Surge Using Integrated Model of Atmospheric, Rainfall-runoff, and Storm Surge, AOGS2022
  • Molteni-Perez, F., T. Miyashita, N. Mori, T. Shimuta, S. Sato, T. Okada (2022) Geometrical Survey of Coastal Boulders in Ishigaki Island Okinawa, Japan, AOGS2022
  • Shohei OHATA,Tomoya SHIMURA, William PRINGLE, Takuya MIYASHITA, Nobuhito MORI (2022) Long-term Evaluation of Global Extreme Sea Levels Using Unstructured Grid Models, AOGS2022
  • Sato, S., T. Shimura, T. Miyashita, N. Mori (2022) Modeling of wind-wave growth by Miles mechanism based on phase resolving wave model, AOGS2022
  • Mori, N., R. Cox, A. Kennedy, M. Berke, G. Guannel, M. Engel, A.Y. Lau (2022) A New Research Coordination Network Targeting Coastal Boulder Deposits: ISROC, AOGS2022
  • Miyashita, T., T.C. Ho, N. Mori, T. Shimura (2022) Tsunami Responses along the Japanese Coast Due to Bathymetry Effect, AOGS2022
  • Mori, N., T. Sayama, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, T. Fujimi, E. Nakakita (2022) Climate change impact assessments of natural hazards in Japan and East Asia by TOUGOU and SENTAN Projects, AOGS2022
  • Ho, T.C., N. Mori, M. Yamada (2022) The Leading Far-field Tsunami After the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, AOGS2022
  • Tokuta, T.,T. Arikawa, T. Takagawa, Y. Chida. A. Suppasri, N. Yamamoto-Chikasada, N. Mori, F. Imamura (2022) Sensitivity Analysis of Tsunami Generation by the 2022 Hunga Tonga-hunga Ha'api Eruption, AOGS2022
  • Suppasri, A., N. Mori, K. Suzuki, T. Arikawa, M. Farid (2022) Introduction of a new SATREPS project in Indonesia: Building Sustainable System for Resilience and Innovation in Coastal Community, AIWEST-DR 2022
  • Nishino, T., T. Miyashita, N. Mori, M. Nakano (2022) Towards probabilistic tsunami-triggered oil spill fire hazard assessment, 6th International Symposium on Natural Hazards-Triggered Technological Accidents, 2022/5, Bogota, Colombia
  • Ho. T.C., M. Yamada, N. Mori (2022) Air pressure-induced tsunami after Tonga volcanic eruption, JpGU 2022, Japan
  • Max, E., R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, M. Berke, G. Guannel, A.Y. Lau, N. Mori (2022) ISROC-Inundation Signatures on ROcky Coastlines-A new Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, EGU General Assembly 2022.
  • Cox, R., A.B. Kennedy, M. Berke, G. Guannel, M. Engel, A.Y. Lau, N. Mori (2022) Coastal boulder deposits, EGU2022, Vienna