- Mori, N., K. Gotou, K. Matsumoto, A. Musa, K. Iida, J. Ninomiya, T. Shimura (2024) Effects of Ocean Wave on the Coupled Atmosphere-ocean System for Tropical Cyclones, AOGS2024, Korea
- Chang, C.W., Y.L. Tsai, N. Mori (2024) An integrated laboratory and numerical investigation, OMAE2024, Singapore.
- Chabchoub, A., Y. He, I. Karmpadakis, A. Alberello, A.V. Concejo, A. Babanin, A. Slunyaev, N. Mori (2024) Extreme events in wave reflecting environments, ICTAM 2024 (25-30 August 2024, Daegu, Republic of Korea).
- Iida, K., N. Mori (2024) Impacts of PBL Schemes Combined with Coupled Ocean and Wave on Typhoons, GEWEX, Sapporo, Japan.
- Fujiwara, K., T. Takemi, N. Mori (2024) Impact of Historical and Future Warming on Heavy Rainfall Over Eastern Japan Induced by Typhoon Hagibis (2019) in Dynamical Downscaling Simulations, GEWEX, Sapporo, Japan.
- Yang, J.A, N.Mori (2023) Characteristics of components constituting extreme sea level along the Korean peninsula in the past, AGU fall meeting
- He, Y., T. Kanehira, N. Mori, M. Gamaleldin, A. Babanin, K. Chauhan, A. Chabchoub (2023) Nonlinear and Extreme Wave Group Interactions With a Circular Cylinder, OMAE2023, ASME, OMAE2023-104739.
- Ho, T.C,, M. Yamada, N. Mori (2023) Tsunami in the Japan Sea and Caribbean Sea Following the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, JpGU
- Kawase, H. et al. (2023) Identifying future changes of extreme precipitation in Japan using 720-year 5-km-grid regional climate experiments, CORDEX
- Lau, A.Y. E. Max, R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, N. Mori, M. Berke, G. Guannel (2023) Progress and opportunities in ISROC: A Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Rome, Italy.
- Mori, N., T. Sayama, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, T. Fujimi (2023) Climate change impact assessments of natural hazards based on large-ensemble projections, WCRP Open Science Conference, Rwanda.
- Nishino, T., T. Miyashita, N. Mori (2023) Regional probabilistic fi re following earthquake risk modeling including tsunami fi res, World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Italy [#y1fe895a]
- Odériz, I., I. Losada, R. Silva, N. Mori (2023) Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU2023.
- Mitarai, S., A. Murata, N. Kosaka, N. Endou, T. Kura, M. Hisada, K. Iida, T. Shimura and N.Mori (2023) Wave glider and spotter observations of oceanic responses to Typhoon Khanun, AGU Fall Meeting.
- Yang, J.A, N.Mori (2023) Characteristics of components constituting extreme sea level along the Korean peninsula in the past, AGU fall meeting
- He, Y., T. Kanehira, N. Mori, M. Gamaleldin, A. Babanin, K. Chauhan, A. Chabchoub (2023) Nonlinear and Extreme Wave Group Interactions With a Circular Cylinder, OMAE2023, ASME, OMAE2023-104739.
- Ho, T.C,, M. Yamada, N. Mori (2023) Tsunami in the Japan Sea and Caribbean Sea Following the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, JpGU
- Kawase, H. et al. (2023) Identifying future changes of extreme precipitation in Japan using 720-year 5-km-grid regional climate experiments, CORDEX
- Lau, A.Y. E. Max, R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, N. Mori, M. Berke, G. Guannel (2023) Progress and opportunities in ISROC: A Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Rome, Italy.
- Mori, N., T. Sayama, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, T. Fujimi (2023) Climate change impact assessments of natural hazards based on large-ensemble projections, WCRP Open Science Conference, Rwanda.
- Nishino, T., T. Miyashita, N. Mori (2023) Regional probabilistic fi re following earthquake risk modeling including tsunami fi res, World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Italy [#y1fe895a]
- Odériz, I., I. Losada, R. Silva, N. Mori (2023) Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU2023.
- Mitarai, S., A. Murata, N. Kosaka, N. Endou, T. Kura, M. Hisada, K. Iida, T. Shimura and N.Mori (2023) Wave glider and spotter observations of oceanic responses to Typhoon Khanun, AGU Fall Meeting.
- Lau, A.Y. E. Max, R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, N. Mori, M. Berke, G. Guannel (2023) Progress and opportunities in ISROC: A Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, XXI INQUA Congress 2023, Rome, Italy.
- Odériz, I., I. Losada, R. Silva, N. Mori (2023) Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU2023.
- Hibino, K., H. Kawase, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Imada, T. Takemi, N. Mori, S. Kanada, T. Sayama, I. Takayabu (2022) The new experimental framework with multi-model and multi-initial-condition for the assessment of extreme weather event in the future: The case of typhoon Hagibis (2019), AGU Fall meeting
- Ho, T.C, M. Yamada, N. Mori (2022) Wave amplification and generation of air pressure induced tsunami after the 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption, AGU Fall meeting.
- Shimura, T., N. Mori, T. Miyashita (2022) Ocean Surface Wind Estimation by Waves Based on Small Buoy Observation in Bay and Open Ocean, AOGS2022
- Jo, J., S.Y. KIM, N. Mori, G. Tsujimoto, H. Mase (2022) Numerical Study on Effects of Storm Surge, High Wave and Tide on Coastal Inundation, AOGS2022
- Ito, S., T. Shimura, T. Miyashita N. Mori (2022) Long-term Analysis of Extreme Storm Surge Based on HighResMIP Projections, AOGS2022
- Toyoda., M., N. Mori, S.Y. Kim, Y. Shibutani (2022) Hindcast Experiments on River Run-up of Storm Surge Using Integrated Model of Atmospheric, Rainfall-runoff, and Storm Surge, AOGS2022
- Molteni-Perez, F., T. Miyashita, N. Mori, T. Shimuta, S. Sato, T. Okada (2022) Geometrical Survey of Coastal Boulders in Ishigaki Island Okinawa, Japan, AOGS2022
- Shohei OHATA,Tomoya SHIMURA, William PRINGLE, Takuya MIYASHITA, Nobuhito MORI (2022) Long-term Evaluation of Global Extreme Sea Levels Using Unstructured Grid Models, AOGS2022
- Sato, S., T. Shimura, T. Miyashita, N. Mori (2022) Modeling of wind-wave growth by Miles mechanism based on phase resolving wave model, AOGS2022
- Mori, N., R. Cox, A. Kennedy, M. Berke, G. Guannel, M. Engel, A.Y. Lau (2022) A New Research Coordination Network Targeting Coastal Boulder Deposits: ISROC, AOGS2022
- Miyashita, T., T.C. Ho, N. Mori, T. Shimura (2022) Tsunami Responses along the Japanese Coast Due to Bathymetry Effect, AOGS2022
- Mori, N., T. Sayama, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, T. Fujimi, E. Nakakita (2022) Climate change impact assessments of natural hazards in Japan and East Asia by TOUGOU and SENTAN Projects, AOGS2022
- Ho, T.C., N. Mori, M. Yamada (2022) The Leading Far-field Tsunami After the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, AOGS2022
- Tokuta, T.,T. Arikawa, T. Takagawa, Y. Chida. A. Suppasri, N. Yamamoto-Chikasada, N. Mori, F. Imamura (2022) Sensitivity Analysis of Tsunami Generation by the 2022 Hunga Tonga-hunga Ha'api Eruption, AOGS2022
- Suppasri, A., N. Mori, K. Suzuki, T. Arikawa, M. Farid (2022) Introduction of a new SATREPS project in Indonesia: Building Sustainable System for Resilience and Innovation in Coastal Community, AIWEST-DR 2022
- Nishino, T., T. Miyashita, N. Mori, M. Nakano (2022) Towards probabilistic tsunami-triggered oil spill fire hazard assessment, 6th International Symposium on Natural Hazards-Triggered Technological Accidents, 2022/5, Bogota, Colombia
- Ho. T.C., M. Yamada, N. Mori (2022) Air pressure-induced tsunami after Tonga volcanic eruption, JpGU 2022, Japan
- Max, E., R. Cox, A.B. Kennedy, M. Berke, G. Guannel, A.Y. Lau, N. Mori (2022) ISROC-Inundation Signatures on ROcky Coastlines-A new Research Coordination Network targeting coastal boulder deposits, EGU General Assembly 2022.
- Cox, R., A.B. Kennedy, M. Berke, G. Guannel, M. Engel, A.Y. Lau, N. Mori (2022) Coastal boulder deposits, EGU2022, Vienna