Published Book
- Nobuhito Mori, Takuji Waseda, Amin Chabchoub (2023) Science and engineering of freak waves, Elsevier, Paperback ISBN: 9780323917360, eBook ISBN: 9780323972154, 350p.
Published Book/Chapter in Book
- Miyashita, T., N. Mori (2024) Modeling and uncertainty in probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment, Chapter X in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis, eds. K. Goda et al., Elsevier.
- Koshimura, S. et al. (2024) Digital twin paradigm for coastal disaster risk reduction and resilience, Chapter X in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis, eds. K. Goda et al., Elsevier.
- von Storch, H., Feser, F., Blender, R., Camargo, S., Cavicchia, L., Di Luca, A., Fu, G., Gozzo, L., Koks, E., Messmer, M., Mori, N., Priestley, M., Roy, T., Schultz, D., Watanabe, S., Weisse, R. (2024) Storms as Forming and Threatening Factors for Coasts, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. Retrieved 21 Jun. 2024, - Mortlock, T., I Oderiz, N. Mori, R. Sliva (2023) Climate change in making ocean waves more powerful, threatening to erode many coastallines, in The Conservation on Water, ed. A.K. Gerlak, Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.88-92.
- Goda K., De Risi R., De Luca F., Muhammad A., Yasuda T., Mori N. (2022) Earthquake-tsunami risk assessment and critical multi-hazard loss scenarios: A case study in Japan under the Nankai-Tonankai mega-thrust. In: Engineering for Extremes, Stewart M.G., Rosowsky D.V. (eds), Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Springer, Cham.
- Mori, N. (2019) Rogue/Freak Waves, In Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Third Edition), Volume 3, pp.642-649.
- Nakakita, E., Y. Tachikawa, T. Takemi, N. Mori and K. Tanaka (2018) Future changes of extreme weather and natural disasters due to climate change in Japan and Southeast Asia, In Bridging Science and Policy Implication for Managing Climate Extremes, World Scientific, pp. 101-117. - Mori, N., K. Goda and D.T. Cox, Recent process in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA) for mega thrust subduction earthquakes,In The 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Reconstruction and Restoration; Insights and Assessment after 5 Years, Ed.Vicente Santiago-Fandino, Springer, pp.469-485.
eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-58691-5, ISBN: 978-3-319-58690-8 - Goda K., T. Yasuda, P.M. Mai, T. Maruyama, and N. Mori (2017) Tsunami simulations of mega-thrust earthquakes in the Nankai-Tonankai Trough (Japan) based on stochastic rupture scenarios, In Tsunamis: Geology, Hazards and Risks, Eds. E. M. Scourse, N. A. Chapman, D. R. Tappin, and S. R. Wallis, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, pp.55-74.
- Mori, N., N. Yoneyama and W. Pringle (2014) Effects of the offshore barrier against the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami and lessons learned, in Post Tsunami Hazards Restoration and Reconstruction, Ed.Vicente Santiago-Fandino, Springer, pp.121-132.
- Mori, N., Y. Watanabe, T. Suzuki and A. Okayasu (2013) Turbulence Model, In Computational Wave Dynamics, Eds. H.Gotoh, A.Okayasu and Y.Watanabe, World Scientific Pub., Chapter 2.
- Watanabe, Y. and N. Mori (2013) Fundamental Computational Methods, In Computational Wave Dynamics, Eds. H.Gotoh, A.Okayasu and Y.Watanabe, World Scientific Pub., Chapter 3.
- Watanabe, Y., N. Mori, H. Gotoh and A. Okayasu (2013) Computational Wave Dynamics for Coastal and OceanResearch, In Computational Wave Dynamics, Eds. H.Gotoh, A.Okayasu and Y.Watanabe, World Scientific Pub., Chapter 10.
- Mori, N. (2012) Projection of Future Tropical Cyclone Characteristics based on Statistical Model, In Cyclones Formation, Triggers and Control, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp.249-270.
- Mori, N. (2009) Freak waves, in Hand book of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Chapter 6, Ed. Young C. Kim, World Scientific Pub. Co., pp.131-150.
- Mori, N., S. Kakuno and D.T. Cox (2009) Aeration and bubbles in the surf zone, in Hand book of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Ed. Young C. Kim, Chapter 5, World Scientific Pub. Co., pp.115-130.
- Mori, N. (2002) Two-Color LIF-PIV for Gas Exchange at Air-Water Interface, Advances in Coastal Engineering, vol. 9, Ed. P. Liu and J. Grue, World Scientific Pub. Co., pp.291-293.
- Mori, N., M. Imamura and R. Yamamoto (2002) An experimental study of bubble mediated gas exchange for a single bubble, Gas Transfer at Water Surface, JGR monograph, American Geophysical Union, pp.311-315.
- Mori, N., T. Shimura (2020) Climate change and coastal disasters, Hydrolink (Magazine), Number 1, pp.20-22.
- Chang. C.W., N. Mori (2019) Engineering Functional Evaluation of Mangrove Forests for Coastal Disaster Reduction, Hydrolink (Magazine), Number 4, pp.110-113.