Professor Kennedy joined laboratory
July 15, 2015 Professor Andrew Kennedy at University of Notre Dame joined in laboratory as a visiting professor. He will stay until December.
Welcome party
Date: July 2 Time: 19:30-21:30 Venue: Madang Activity Welcome party was held for Marc Kjerland, Katsu Goda (U Bristol) and Ario Muhammad (U Bristol)
Seminar: Katsu Goda
Date: July 2 Time: 16:00-17:00 Location: Room E-206D Speakers Katsuichiro Goda (University of Bristol) Uncertainty Modelling and Visualisation for Tsunami Hazard and Risk Mapping: A Case Study for the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Ario Muhammad (University of Bristol) Application of Stochastic Tsunami Model for Mewantai Earthquake Tsunam
Short-term visitors
June 30-July 3 Dr. Katsuichiro Goda and Mr. Ario Ario Muhammad has arrived to Kyoto for one week. This is collaboration of stochastic tsunami modeling and and a part of collaboration between University of Bristol-Kyoto University.
Marc Kjerland joined in laboratory
June 29, 2015 Dr. Marc Kjerland, former Ph.D student at University of Illinois at Chicago, joined in laboratory as a post-doc.
Paper published: Typhoon Hayian and climate cnahge
New paper has been published from Environmental Research Letters Climate change effects on the worst-case storm surge: a case study of Typhoon Haiyan Izuru Takayabu (MRI), Kenshi Hibino (MRI), Hidetaka Sasaki (MRI), Hideo Shiogama (NIES), Nobuhito Mori (DPRI), Yoko Shibutani (former, DPRI) and Tetsuya Takemi (DPRI) Environmental Research Letters, 10 064011 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/6/064011 This is collaboration work with […]
Seminar, June 3
Special seminar Date: June 3 Time: 15:00-16:00 Location: E-206D Dr. Pavel TKALICH (Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore) Title Review of Coastal Ocean Modelling Research and Applications in Singaporena
New members
People left Tomoya Shimura (D3) has finished his course and received Ph.D. He has joined the post-doc program by JSPS and working at DPRI. Victoria Tomiczek left the laboratory and returned to Notre dame University. People came Nozomu Ariyoshi and Yosuke Yamamoto joined laboratory for their undergraduate thesis.
New member
Junichi Ninomiya (D3) has finished his course and received Ph.D on September 30th. He has joined the School of Environmental Design in Kanazawa University as an Assistant Professor. Yang Jung-a became Ph.D candidate. Victoria Tomiczek joined the laboratory as NFS/JSPS joint scholarship until April 2015.
July 22: Seminar Date: 14:00 to 16:00 Room: S-207D Title: Engineering Applications of Static Bay Beach Concept for Coastal Management Speaker: Prof. John R. -C. HSU Professor, Dept. of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan).